Soil Vapor Intrusion
The phrase “soil vapor intrusion” refers to the process by which volatile chemicals move from contaminated soil and groundwater into the indoor air of buildings. This contamination of indoor air by SVI is an emerging area of public health concern.
SVI occurs when volatile contaminants in the subsurface evaporate and rise through pores in soil and into homes and other buildings through cracks and gaps in the building’s foundation.
When this happens, occupants of these buildings may be exposed to volatile chemicals in indoor air. In certain cases, the vapors may accumulate to levels that may increase the risk of adverse health effects for persons living in or using those buildings.
The potential adverse health effects from chemical exposures vary based on several factors, including the length of exposure, the amount of the exposure, the frequency of exposure, the toxicity of the volatile chemical(s), and an individual’s sensitivity to the chemical(s).
New York has emerged as a national leader in the field of SVI assessment and remediation and this law to assure tenant notification is the first of its kind in the nation.
Soil Vapor Intrusion takes place when there is a migration of volatile gases from the soil rise up into a building.
These vapors migrate through subsurface soils to indoor air
Volatile chemicals may include but are not limited to: volatile organic compounds, select semi-volatile organic compounds, in-organics such as mercury, radon, and hydrogen sulfide.
Vapors can accumulate in dwellings or occupied buildings to levels that pose elevated health risks.
If you are concerned about potential vapor intrusion where you live or work, please contact Mitigation Tech Immediately, we will evaluate your site and give the proper recommendations to correct the problem.